• Fran Harris

    Former Colleague of Amy Scobee

    Fran Harris worked in a similar position as Amy Scobee when Scobee was a Church staff member. Fran says of Scobee: “She stole other people’s work, and put her name to it on a number of occasions. And then she would squash them to make them feel like they did a bad job and she had to fix it. Yet they knew what they wrote and how little she did. And it was just sheer thievery. Stealing other people’s husbands, flirting with other people’s husbands. Trying to break up families. It was just criminal. And that’s how she was. She was just stealing. It was a mindset.”


    Amy had this operating basis of, she would get others to do the work and then she would take it from them, tell them how it was terrible, read through it, make a few edits on it, sign her name to it and take the credit for it.

    She stole other people’s work, put her name to it on a number of occasions, it wasn’t just once or twice, it was a number of occasions. And then she would, like, squash them to make them feel like they did a bad job and she had to fix it. Yet they knew what they wrote and how little she did. And it was just sheer thievery. Stealing other people’s husbands. Flirting with, you know, other people’s husbands. Trying to break up families. It was just criminal. And that’s how she was. It was just stealing. It was a mindset.

    She was demeaning to them. And it was abusive, it was actually abusive. And then there was other times when I saw her actually really bullying people, like thrashing them. I’ll say the word thrashing on that because that’s what she did. She actually thrashed people and, you know, like get close up to their face and scream at them. Not just yell, screaming.

    Amy was, I considered a woman of loose morals. She flirted with guys a lot. She was married. She would tell me how she was happily married and then I would see her flirting with guys. I caught her flirting with my husband one time and I just gave her a look of like “knock it off.” My husband wasn’t affected by it. But she was trying to flirt with him, you know, lowering the buttons on her shirt, you know, and that kind of crap.

    She would talk about her husband and how much she loved her husband and what a great relationship they had and then the next day she’d be across the hallway flirting with a married man. Like right in front of all of us. It was like, you know, no shame. No shame, no, that’s, like, I was just kind of like, ”Whoa, where is this girl from,” you know.

    There was another instance where I had to go see another person on a job cycle and I went in to this person, I knocked on the door and it was just like, “Come in!” you know, like that and I walk in. And I see Amy like straightening herself out and he was a bit flustered. He was more composed than she was in dealing with me. But then she immediately attacked me, “What are you doing here?” And I said, “I have some things to discuss with this other person.” And I suspected something was going on. I truly suspected something was going on. And she said, “Well, just give it to him and get outta here!” Like real nasty to me. And I just said, “Great, call me whenever you want to see me,” and I threw it on the table and walked out. But she was, you know—then I found out later she was having an affair with this guy. He was married. She was married.

    I’ve seen other instances where she did break up marriages. There was a person who I knew, who was married, happily married for many years. And she started an affair with this guy. She was married. He was married. And she broke up that family.